
From steps to reps to diet, you are covering 80% of the fitness lifestyle. Get these things right and your probability of being fit for life will skyrocket. Below is a deeper dive into what goes into the big three (Steps, Reps, and Diet).


Simply put, the more steps you take the healthier you tend to be and science would agree. 10,000 steps is the foundational goal for all humans, especially those seeking to keep their fitness levels up. However fitness is a throw around word for all things “good” relative to health, so what are the true benefits?

  • Reduced risk of mental health including but not limited to dementia and alzheimers see article here
  • Low impact exercise that can elevate heart rate
  • Weight loss, calories out vs calories in
  • Mental clarity

Taking 10,000 steps a day is a great way to elevate your fitness journey it is a commitment to your future self. You are accomplishing something everyday you set out to do. You are reaching your goals and potential. Now do yourself and favor and get ready with the below:

  • A pedometer (apple watch for me)
  • A good pair of shoes (Brooks, Sauchony, Nike, On, etc)
  • A playlist, book, or podcast that you look forward to listening to. Only reward yourself when you are out getting your steps in.


Its time to get the weight up. Reps do not always mean with barbells, or dumbells, or machines. It can also mean bodyweight. Use your body to your advantage to continue to elevate your fitness. Remember, you want it to be hard because if it was easy everyone would do it and it wouldn’t be worth it.

Things to consider with Reps

  • Low weight more reps this is called “strength rep range” utilize this method of weight training to build your muscle base.
  • Being fit is a life long pursuit take your time, if you need to do 30 reps today to do 40 tomorrow good do it. Do not overdue it until you have built up your muscle base.
  • Bodyweight training is the #1 best way to start. See the Hybrid Athlete Programs here.
  • Lifting heavy weights is cool but being fit is cooler, focus on being the best version of you that you can be.


You can not out work a bad diet. The calories in vs out equation is too lopsided. You need to fuel your body with clean ingredients that are nutritious and packed with protein to assist in muscle recovery. You are what you eat so keep theses things in mind when you are training.

  • High protein low calorie will shed body fat see article here.
  • 80/20 like all things. The things you eat 80% of the time should be modified to optimize your fitness regimen.
  • You won’t eat it if you don’t buy it or it’s not around.
  • Portion control! Your stomach is the size of your fist and wrist see article here.


Build your foundation, make it easy to repeat and you likely will. 10,000 steps a day will change your life, but not more than being fit for life. Focus on the big three, Steps, Reps, and Diet and watch yourself win at life.