In this day and age, having a website for your business is a non-negotiable.
Even if you’re not planning on launching an online fitness business, (we think you should reconsider!) you still have to have a functional and accessible website. That’s true for fitness professionals across the board, from yoga to Pilates, CrossFit to Curves, and everyone in between.
Of course, you already knew that. And, you know why too; more people are turning to online searches and review services to aid in the decision making process.
Even with that knowledge, some fitness centers and personal trainers still don’t have a website. The only thing worse than that is the businesses that have a website that’s a mess. It’s a patchwork of images, blank space, and too many words. You either overpaid for it, or didn’t pay for it at all; your college-age niece or neighbor built it for you in a day.
Stop the madness!
Here’s the thing, your website says more about you and your business than you think. In the old days, a firm handshake and some eye contact paved the way for a fruitful business relationship. Now, most introductions take place online and your website is your first impression.
So what does your website say about you? That depends. Use this checklist to determine if you’re on the right track, or if you need a website overhaul.
Is Your Website…?
Easy to Navigate – visitors are able to find the information they want and move around the website with ease. There’s a level of organization and clarity that guides customers to the information they need, while directing them to the information you need them to see.
Visually Appealing – with respect to design, when building a website, less is more. You want your website to be easy to use and easy on the eyes. The design should be simple and the content is concise. The minimalist approach wins out. Otherwise, you run the risk of distracting people, pulling them away from important information.
Useful – is it helpful? Does your site contain the information people are looking for? As in, the information that will make them want to contact you, show up, schedule a visit, or become a member.
Be Sure to Include This Information:
- About us – what’s your story, certifications, area of expertise? Tell people who you are, be genuine and authentic.
- Phone number and email address or a contact form
- Social media icons – make sure the icons open a new window so people are not led off of your website
- Hours of operation
- Frequently asked questions – answer the questions people typically ask before they ask them.
Convincing – it also helps if your website paints you as an expert in your field. In addition to your certifications and credentials, be sure to include an awards, publications or features you’ve had. It’s also helpful to have photos of the facility and pictures of members. Better still, before and after photos of clients who’ve transformed their bodies or testimonials from members also boost your credibility.
Joe is a writer, trainer and fitness entrepreneur who co-founded Hybrid Athlete LLC, Kettlebell Cardio™ and Race Day Domination. Currently building @fittinsider, a platform for founders, executives, & investors redefining fitness/wellness. Investing in health/fitness companies