From time to time I will meet someone who asks me precisely that, “Why should I listen to you, use one of your products or follow one of your training manuals?” “What makes you different from any other trainer?” “why should I listen to you”
The short answer…EVERYTHING.
It’s a Lifestyle
Hybrid Athlete is not a business plan or a gym, and can’t be contained in a training manual. It is a lifestyle. The goal is not to lose weight, gain muscle, or focus on any one singular goal. The idea at the heart of this philosophy is to train and test every aspect of physical performance and fitness; training the mind is a byproduct.
We don’t just make this stuff up. If I didn’t receive an income for the work that I do, I would do it anyway. Fitness is my passion. I research it, write about it, program workouts, complete workouts, tweak those workouts, record the results and start the process all over again. So, how do I know?, because I live it.
But, we don’t know Everything
That’s right folks; we do not know it all. Anyone who tells you they do is lying to you. How many other “trainers” would admit that?
We know we will never have all of the answers, but that will not stop us from trying to improve ourselves as instructors, athletes, and individuals. Anthony and I have both made fitness our career. We hold a number of certifications and will continue to advance our knowledge of training, mental toughness, fitness assessment, and leadership. However, you cannot become an expert without having done anything. It is that belief that drives us to train, compete, evaluate, and adapt our training methodology and techniques.
Yes, Anthony is a master of kettlebell training. But, anyone can read a book and spout off commands. What sets him apart is the fact that he has, and continues to compete in kettlebells. On that same note, you could go download a training plan from any number of sites and develop your own regimen; why would you value my advice? Well, not only can I tell you how to prepare for a triathlon, I can share the techniques that have worked for me and can tell you what to expect 5 hours into a race.
Aside from having earned a variety of certifications, and held leadership positions in profit, as well as not-for-profit fitness centers, we train trainers. We are registered presenters for agencies that certify personal trainers. What does that mean? It means that the trainer that instructs the boot camp at your fitness center has to attend one of our workshops to maintain their professional credentials.
Our knowledge and experience in fitness is vast, but never complete. We will never stop learning; trying to get better by perfecting our craft. We are not confined by a singular type of training or a cult-like approach to workouts. If it will make me a better trainer or athlete, or help my members, I want to know about it.
It’s how we were Raised.
Finally, we will never try to sell you a product or service with smoke and mirrors or flashy guarantees. What we will do is provide you with all of the resources necessary for success according to your specific goals and needs. We can’t do the work for you, but we can give you all the tools you need to get the work done.
Along the way, you will become part of the Hybrid family and community. Our members are not customers or clients, they are family. We know their stories, have taken the time to get to know their strengths and weaknesses, and work with them every step of the way. Whether it’s in person, on the phone, or via email, we do whatever we can for our members.
When you purchase a product from us, expect a handwritten thank you and a phone call. I won’t be trying to up sell you, just calling to get your feedback. If you have a question, email me. If I can help, I will. If I can’t, I will find someone who can or tell you where to find the answer to your question. We don’t do it for the business or for the money, we do it because want to have a positive impact on your life and this is our opportunity to provide something of value to others.
Our parents taught us early on how to treat people. We learned that respect is earned and not given and that if you attempt something, you do it with all of your heart. It is how we were raised and it is how we conduct ourselves in business and in life.
Joe is a writer, trainer and fitness entrepreneur who co-founded Hybrid Athlete LLC, Kettlebell Cardio™ and Race Day Domination. Currently building @fittinsider, a platform for founders, executives, & investors redefining fitness/wellness. Investing in health/fitness companies